Since we were all dressed up for Joey's party, Tommy, Aurora, Jenny and I all decided that we absolutely had to run to the store for a few last minute items.
Aurora was in character, squawking and strutting across the parking lot. And, surprisingly, sober. Not that it's surprising that she's sober in general, but it's surprising that she's acting like this and also sober.
Unless, of course, you know her. Then you kind of expect it.

(I love how Aurora's holding up that pipe in every single picture, even when she doesn't know she's having her picture taken. Also, this is what I look like when I come to the store without a list and can't remember what it is that we came for.)

(I'm not sure Jenny approves of all this silliness.)
(The best eyebrows ever.)
And clearly, Joey is just as ridiculous as the rest of us.
We really are our own entertainment.
(And thanks Aurora, for all the pics and videos. Except the close up of my chest. We have Jenny to thank for that one.)
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I TOTALLY find you amusing!!!
Great video action! I really enjoyed those bits!
You guys are so much fun. :)~
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