Here's the final pumpkin that I carved up on Friday afternoon. I think this is my favorite, even though it's actually the one that looks the worst from up close.
It's Johnny Depp from The Secret Window, a movie that, frankly, scared the bejeesus out of me. Mostly because I like to take naps. At least I *remember* liking naps, back when there were enough hours in the day.
I think the angle of the Pennywise pumpkin might have made it difficult to identify. Here's a different one.
Oh and since I've had a couple of people ask, we didn't buy these patterns. We printed up super high contrast black and white pictures and carved from those.
I'm already thinking about what I want to do next year. Though I'll be restricting all internet searching to daylight hours.
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Stephen King Pumpkins
Crazed Self-Portrait Pumpkin
Wow! Thank you! I've never won anything before. Stephen King is my favorite author so I recognized the pumpkins right away except for Carrie. That one I kind of guessed on. They look great lit up too!
those are really neat, so different from the regular craved pumpkins.
Gill in Canada
Mostly because I'm a big 10 year old, I think I'll have to do this one next year. Although the leather straps might be a bit difficult to represent, the overall laughter (shock and awe?) should be worth it. Image on initial page is fine, but if you click through, the final image is definitely NSFW
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