1. Move your body. Get up and get physical. Or lie down and get physical. ;) Just do something to get your blood moving for just 15 or 20 minutes. And then do it again tomorrow. One of my favorite methods is also the easiest. Put on some music that you love and dance around your living room. Wave your hands and shake your bootie. It doesn’t matter if you look like a lunatic. You’ll feel better for it. Trust me.
Note- Dressing up as The Incredibles isn't entirely necessary, but it helps. ;)

2. Make a point to be happy for other peoples’ successes. When you find yourself about to criticize someone else for no reason other than the fact that they have achieved something you haven’t, just stop. Take a soft, deep breath. Imagine their success as your success, their happiness as your happiness. Practice this phrase, “Good for them”. And mean it. When they feel good, it does not take away from your ability to do so. Use them as inspiration and be grateful for the example.
3. Stop avoiding reality. Focus on the here and now. Feel into your body and notice where it is that you’re you, with your feet on the ground, your butt in your chair, whatever you’re doing, just be there with it for 3 long, soft breathes. Many habits interfere with your ability to really feel this moment of your life for what it is… fantasizing about the past (or future), television, constant busy-ness, obsessive worrying, drinking, drugs. What these things all have in common is that they pull your attention and your energy away from the present moment. The here and now is the only time in which you can actually live your life… one moment after another, one breath after the next. You don't want to miss it.
2. Make a point to be happy for other peoples’ successes. When you find yourself about to criticize someone else for no reason other than the fact that they have achieved something you haven’t, just stop. Take a soft, deep breath. Imagine their success as your success, their happiness as your happiness. Practice this phrase, “Good for them”. And mean it. When they feel good, it does not take away from your ability to do so. Use them as inspiration and be grateful for the example.
3. Stop avoiding reality. Focus on the here and now. Feel into your body and notice where it is that you’re you, with your feet on the ground, your butt in your chair, whatever you’re doing, just be there with it for 3 long, soft breathes. Many habits interfere with your ability to really feel this moment of your life for what it is… fantasizing about the past (or future), television, constant busy-ness, obsessive worrying, drinking, drugs. What these things all have in common is that they pull your attention and your energy away from the present moment. The here and now is the only time in which you can actually live your life… one moment after another, one breath after the next. You don't want to miss it.
So enough from me. What is it that you all do to grow the happiness in your life?