And since a couple of you seemed less than 100% confident about your ability to carve a portrait stamp, I've decided to make one lucky winner their very own stamp. From their very own picture.
How exciting is that?
(Really, how exciting is it? I have a hard time judging these things. I am easily amused and often excited about things that no one in their right mind would find interesting.)
Um yah. Anyway. To enter the contest, just leave a comment here telling me if you've actually tried any of my tutorials or if there's anything that you plan to try one of these days. Or feel free to let me know that you don't like any of my tutorials, but just want a free stamp, damn it. (I'm pretty sure the random number generator won't hold it against you.)
I'm going to keep the contest going for two weeks, ending on October 7th at midnight. You can enter once a day, but you've got to list a new project for each comment.
Good luck and tell your friends (I've decided to give you an extra entry if you link to it)!
Also- Remember to leave your email if your comment doesn't link back to your website. Or just be sure to check back here after the contest is done. Just in case you're the wiener.
Update- Winner announced, here.
I LOVE your stamps, especially the cute food ones you made awhile ago. I haven't tried any of your tutorials but I'm gonna go through the archives for some inspiration :)
Love your blog! My sister and I have made your grocery bags, but I haven't gotten the courage up to try carving stamps yet.....
Ha! I'm new to your blog, actually coming because of your stamp tutorial! I'm definitely interested in trying to make my own stamp but wouldn't pass up an opportunity to have one done for us too!
I actually have used your tutorials. I made the library gift set for my sister, which she loved! Thanks for the tutorials!
I am impressed by your stamp carving. I know I couldn't do it myself. I like your tutorials. I've used the double hemmed corners and produce bags tutorials. They were very easy to follow. I also like reading the ones I don't use.
I love your disclaimer, in specific, and your blog, in general. (Which is why I added your blog to my igoogle!)
I would love to have a stamp!
Confession: I have a stamp addiction and I really need to use them more to justify it. ;)
Thanks for great tutorials!
I've read your tutorials-does that count? Well, that would be nepotism, so I will disqualify myself! But I did want to ask if you got the zucchini pickle recipe I sent you, and did you get a chance to try it?
Wander to the Wayside... Oh, I forgot to thank you for that! I did get it, but haven’t tried it yet. Maybe I’ll get to it this weekend. I think I’ll go put it up in the comment section of that post so others can try it too.
Thanks again.
I haven't tried any of your tutorials, only because it takes me forever to get around to doing a thing, but I have them filed away for later.
And the possibility of winning a stamp carved by you is way, way, way, WAY exciting!
I haven't used a tutorial per se. But I've made your Jello shooters, Jimi's salsa and your deconstructed breakfast burrito with delicious results. As a matter of fact, I have some salsa in the fridge right now.
I've used your produce bags tutorial with great success - I love the stamp tut...the last thing I sketched was a piece of plexi-glass in HS art class years ago ala lithographs. Pretty fun stuff.
One day I'll really have to try this. It looks so cool.
I've got the tutorial for your grocery bags printed out to try, I'm looking very forward to it :)
I love your tutorials, and your recipes, I have several in the hopper to try (most notably the library book bag). I first saw your blog via a link to the metal art strips post. I would love to try carving stamps but may not add new crafting supplies until I finish a couple UFOs.
I can't wait to try your tutorial - that will be fun - but if you made something - that would be awesome too! :)
OMG!!!!! your work is absolutely amazing! I just found you on flickr so I had no chance to try any of your tutorials. But I'm sure I'll!
x x
And I'll be making the produce bags for a friend of mine too. He's going to love them :)
low rah[at}gma{il}dotcom
I am almost ready to start my worms. I use your site for inspiration! I want a free stamp. =]
I'm still in the middle of trying your window shades!
I promise pictures when I actually hang mine up.
I'm a terrible procrastinator some times!!!!
Renee :)
I totally want to try the stamp tutorial, actually, but I really like lots of your stuff!
Hi !
I really enjoy reading your blog... I have not tried one of your tutorials, but I sure will soon. I love those firework cake decoration, but it is not easy to get the ingredients in germany.
I hope you will have more and more of these cute, colorful, fantastic ideas...
greets maya.
You're stamps are SO GORGEOUS! And I'm planning on making some of the grocery and produce bags over the winter...
<3 Renee!
I have tried making a stamp...and it looked pretty darn awful. I would love one made of my little girl.
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
I just saw your site today, but all your tutorials look awesome! I like that monster cake ... my daughter's birthday is coming up, so I might try that one.
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
Just found your site from dabbled - can't to check out more.
Holy Moly! DIY Deodorant!
OMG..I just tried $$$ organic deodorant: NOT GOOD. So I'm totally trying to make my own this time!
Just found your site today...but excited to try out some of your turorials.
Oh yeah...I'm going to use the magnetic picture hanger tutorial when we re-do the boys' bedroom over the winter. They currently are still in their toddler beds and daddy is getting up the gumption to make them loft beds so we'll be totally re-doing the room.
I have not tried any of your tutorials but I would like to. The stamp is just great!
First off I am glad that you are into some things that people don't even think about, I never would have known about the stamp. That is absolutely fabulous and like you said I am one of these people that would not be able to make one my self, so forever grateful for the chance to win one. I will also "try" some of the tutorials that you have.
I'm so glad I found your blog! I can't wait to try making a stamp :D
I just found your wonderful blog! I added your feed to my Bloglines account, but I will probably need a couple hours to go back through all your posts! I skipped around a little...your St. Baldrick's experience looks amazing! As a cancer survivor, I admire your charity!
you R quite the crafter...I may try this as your Tutorial makes it look easy
you make me want to try all your ideas..but where do I start
low rah[at}gma{il}dotcom
I already left a comment, but I just wanted to tell you that I have been using your recipe (that you got from somewhere else) for homemade deodorant and it is really good. Did you notice any residue issues on clothing?
I'm not brave enough to try making my own stamp yet-- even though you make it seem easy :) Would LOVE to win one though!
I have just finished up making the reusable grocery bags out of a bedroom sheet!! The tutorial pics were very helpful!! However, I don't believe that I am talented enough to make a stamp!!
this is the first I have heard of your site. This giveaway was advertised over at Tip Junkie Giveaway! I will now follow you since I am new & you seem totally funny! :) The stamp is way cool & no I haven't tried any tutorials---yet...
I just came across your blog. This tutorial is awesome. I hope I win so I can see how it is done by studying it in person!
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