40- I have never watched the following things on TV (or at least not for more than 30 seconds)… American Idol, Everybody Loves Raymond and The OJ Simpson trial (I did watch about 10 minutes of the bronco chase, but none of the trial). This is, by no means, a complete list of things I've never watched on TV.
39- Usually, when I smile, my eyes squinch up and disappear.
(photo credit- Jenny Gay)
38- I can do the bridge thing when shuffling cards. I learned to do this *without* the help of the internet (I know, wow), while procrastinating during my freshman year in college. Though, I don't usually do it with dance music in the background.
37- I've been to several mountain man rendezvous when I was younger. (I'm not sure what the plural of this is.)
36- When I go under water while swimming, I can plug my nose using only my lips. My bottom lip pushes up on my top lip, which covers my nose. (I hope you can picture this, because I am not going to be posting a picture of it.) I don't actually *need* to do it to swim, but that's how I learned to put my head under water as a kid.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend.
Peace out.
I learned to plug my nose under water the same way! Every once and awhile, I catch myself doing it still and if someone sees it I pretend I'm just making a weird face for laughs. Because, you know, it's a pretty weird face and an even weirder way to plug your nose. Glad I wasn't alone in this!
Christine, I can’t believe that there’s another person out there that does this! As I was writing it, I thought, “This is quite possibly the strangest thing about me.” It’s so fantastic that no matter how weird you think you are, someone out there is just as weird. We're the awesomest!
oh my gosh, I so totally do this too!
"When I go under water while swimming, I can plug my nose using only my lips. My bottom lip pushes up on my top lip, which covers my nose. (I hope you can picture this, because I am not going to be posting a picture of it.) I don't actually *need* to do it to swim, but that's how I learned to put my head under water as a kid."
lol - I've never known anyone else who does it! (nice to mee you - I'm a new follower of your blog)
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