So what is it that I do?
I'm on the ground crew for an airline, babysitting planes and chauffeuring baggage. The pay isn't great, but my whole family (Jeff, kids, parents) and I can now fly for free. Once we can synchronize our schedules, that is. Since I got out of training 6 months ago, Jeff and I haven't had a single day off together.
(Last plane of the night, getting ready to push)
In theory, I got this job so we can fly for free. In reality, though, Jeff is the only one who's actually gone anywhere.
It does give me a chance to take pictures with my phone, most of which are of sunsets. Cause man we have some nice ones out there.
(After a particularly fierce rainstorm, when they called a ground hold for lightning.)
(Leaning out the galley door. This is the place where I most often crack my head.)
(Pulled over while running bags to photograph the sunset. Because I have my priorities.)
(While gassing up my tug. I love how the sun is shining straight through the windows on the closest plane.)
(Waiting for international bags in the bowels of the airport. Just out of frame is a family of chuds.)