
Monday, March 7, 2011

New Shavees for St. Baldrick's

Well, it's March. And that means St. Baldrick's! If you've been a reader for any length of time here, you might have stumbled across at least one post about this awesome organization.

(Me and Joey 3 years ago at St. Baldrick's)

No, I'm not shaving my head again. But my nephew and niece are. When our friend Raven shaved her head last year, Jenny's son, Kam, decided that he would be doing it this year.


Since then, Aurora's daughter, Jaden, joined the team, along with her friends, Sara and Maisy. All four of them will be going under the clippers this Friday afternoon. (Maisy isn't in the pictures because she decided to do it after Jenny had taken all the pics.)

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A week ago Joey and the shavees got together to film the video below. Then Jenny spent a massive amount of time putting it all together with pictures she took and voice-overs that the kiddos did. I love how it turned out.

One note- The Odd Little Monkeys started as an weekly crafting group, but it's evolving in a way that lets them use their creativity to make a positive difference in the world. This is the first of their endeavors and I couldn't be more proud.

(If, for some reason, you have trouble viewing this through Vimeo, you can see the YouTube version here.)

St. Baldrick's is a great organization that provides funding to fight childhood cancer. At last year's event, we listened as one incredibly grateful mom told the story of how her son was alive thanks to the funding efforts of this organization.


So please consider making a donation to St. Baldrick's. And if you feel so moved, we'd love it if you emailed a link to all your friends and family or posted the video up on facebook. The more people who see this, the more kids we can help!

And if they are having one of these in your neck of the woods, it's not a bad way to spend an afternoon, even if you aren't getting shaved yourself. Here are some of the pictures from last year's celebration in downtown Denver.


  1. Super cool! I posted the video to Facebook - good luck with the shaving!

  2. I've been thinking about going under the clippers since I saw your first St. Baldrick's post. So cool to see you guys doing it again! I think this may be the year I swallow my fears and sign up.

  3. As a mum to an 11yr old Leukemia patient I applaud you, my hair is still coming back in after she shaved it last summer so we were bald together.


So glad you decided to leave a message! Feel free to talk about yourself and don't worry if you tend to leave marathon comments. I don't mind. In fact, those are my favorite kind.

Finally, feel free to type your website address within your comment because one of these days I will be moving my blog and would like to retain links to all of you wonderful people (the blogger formatting of commenter links doesn't get transferred properly).
