
Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring Snows and Sunshine

For those of you who actually get snow, have you noticed the specific smell of spring snows? For me, it almost smells like rain. And I love the smell of rain.


As we watched yesterday's little storm come over the foothills, I could smell the spring in it, before the snow even began to fall.

This morning, by the time I'd pulled my jeans on underneath my nightgown and tromped outside in my Sorels, the snow was already melting and falling off the trees in great clumps.


I stood still for quite some time to get these pics. Aiming my camera and waiting with my finger on the shutter. Listening to the bird song breaking through the usual silence that snow brings.


Happily, there were some fun surprises when I looked at these full size. Like in this one, with the sun peaking over our roof. I don't know that I've ever seen rays of color like this.


But, by far, my favorite was this one, where I accidentally captured a snowflake bokeh.

P2260024 copy

We get more than our fair share of snow in Colorado, but the gorgeous sunlight and incredibly blue skies might just make up for it.


  1. i love your pictures. i am living in california right now but am planning on moving to colorado after this summer. can't wait to get out of here! :) where in colorado do you live? do you love it? beautiful pictures by the way...

  2. I am going to have to pay attention to the smell of our spring snow. I always associate spring snow with maple syrup(not that it smells like it, but that would be nice).

    Your photos are just lovely.

  3. I'm not a very aesthetics-minded person. I'm usually a lot better at knowing when something is ugly than when it is pretty, but your pictures are really, really beautiful. I'm going to be moving out that way soon, for no other reason than I love the look of Colorado.

  4. Beautiful photos... thanks for sharing!

  5. GORGEOUS! The transition from winter to spring in CO is so much more dramatic than in CA. Not that I don't love my daffs coming up in the yard right now, but I love to watch Tahoe emerge from a snowy winter. Which I don't expect to happen for another few months...

  6. Wow, Jenny is rubbing off on you! Great photos, especially the last two. I remember those spring snows!

  7. I live in Golden, and that storm was fantastic. It was such a cute little half-hearted spring storm. It was the perfect reason to curl up with a book last night, but it's gorgeous today. I love Colorado!

  8. oh my is that hex for real?!!! these are beautiful. don't get much snow where we are, such a lovely reminder of the beauty it brings.

  9. Thank you all for the nice thoughts. I'm so very glad that I bothered taking pictures today.

    Robin, we live near the foothills just west of Denver. I do love Colorado, though it does tend to be pretty hot and dry in the summer, which I don't love as much.

    latisha, yep, that hexagon is real, no photoshop what so ever. (Other than cropping a bit, all of the pictures are straight out of camera.) I was so excited to see it when I came inside! It was in a few pictures, so I think it must have been a snowflake on the lens. I was clicking away like crazy and didn't think I captured hardly anything at all. So pleasantly surprised.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Wendy - these were great. Thank you. I was in such a hurry to get going this morning and I didn't stop to look. However, all week my little yellow crocuses have been coming out. They know spring is coming. I get so happy when I see them. Thanks again.

  12. Oh! Those pictures are so beautiful!

  13. Sorels and bokeh in one stunning post. Why that's like...blogging perfection!

    Our spring snow is due to arrive next week. Temperatures are too cold right now, but next week we'll dabble in the 30's.

    Sweet spring and the smell of mud and worms will surely follow. Mmmmm.

  14. Wendy, the pics are gorgeous. You and Jenny inspire me to get into photography. Except for now, I don't really have the time with nursing school and all. Hehehe. It's definitely a hobby I'd like to learn more of after I graduate. Hope you're doing great!

  15. I especially love the first one... and that I can almost smell the moist tree bark. Nice composition.


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