
Friday, May 22, 2009

A Few Random Things About Me- 51 thru 55

So, today I am officially 35 years old. Somehow I think I feel older than I should.

Makes me think it's a good time for another installment of 8,452 Things About Me.

55- I am a storage whore. And I will drag home from the curb (or thrift store or garage sale) just about any bookcase, cubbies or shelving-type piece of furniture that looks like it might help organize any of our crap.

54- I cannot stand it when I’m under the covers and someone else sits on the bed on top of the covers. Drives me fracking bonkers.

53- I majored in molecular biology in college. So, yah, Joey gets a lot of science in her homeschool curriculum. This explains why, when her older sister Kenzie was complaining about the high-school standardized testing and how she and most of her friends didn't know what asexual reproduction was, Joey did.

52- If I need to type more than 2 numbers in a row, I use the ten-key pad, not the numbers at the top of the keyboard. I am wicked fast on the ten-key. (Which is what years working in warehouses and managing databases will get you.)

51- I find speaking a foreign language (or even just speaking with a foreign accent) incredibly hot. When I saw Jamie Lee Curtis in a Fish Called Wanda, I thought, Glad I’m not the only one. Luckily, Jeff likes to learn random bits of foreign languages and he can also do a mean Russian accent. Sigh.

(Jeff was singing this song yesterday with the accent and I had to seriously restrain myself.)


  1. Hi Wendy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you a wonderful day and I always enjoy your 34,692 random things.

  2. Happy Birthday! Love the random & hope no one sits on top of your covers today! lol

  3. Happy Birthday.

    I'm with you on the covers issue. I hate that, and I think I love the word fracking.

    Yep. I do.

  4. Happy Birthday! I too go berserk when people sit on the covers. We need a support group.

  5. Happy Birthday from a fellow ten-key typing, bio majoring, accent adoring storage whore with blanket issues :)
    Hope you had a great day!

  6. I hope you had a wonderful bday! And I love Gorgol Bordello!!! They are so fun. Have you seen the movie Everything is Illuminated? They do the music for that movie. (good movie)

  7. Thank you all for the Birthday wishes! And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only with cover issues.

    Chrissy, ya, a support group is definitely in order.

    Aurora, we have seen that quirky little movie actually, but it was a couple of years ago. I didn't recognize the music at all. May have to watch it again.

  8. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  9. Happy (belated) Birthday! And these posts (X number of things about me) are my favorite on all blogs!

  10. Hope you had a happy birthday. I hate the numbers at the top too, I cannot seem to memorize them: love the laptop in the dining room - miss the digit pad!

  11. Happy birthday, Crazy :)

    I, too, am a sucker for an accent. And foreign languages. Although I'm more of the foreign language learner and Bubba is the foreign accent user.

    Though he only speaks one language. Funny guy. He does an impression of the Russian dude at the knife sharpener place that is HYSTERICAL.


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