
Thursday, June 7, 2007


This all started yesterday when I made some chai iced tea. I decided to get out my Great Muppet Caper glass, the one with Kermit on the bike, because I thought it would look cool filled with iced tea. It did. Anyway, three hours later, I was on eBay, looking at the rest of the Muppet glasses that I don't have. I looked at Fisher Price dolls, record players with those little plastic records and Strawberry Shortcake. Holy cow, it was amazing. I'm not sure what happened chemically in my brain, but just looking at the Fisher Price hospital, with the ambulance and scale and wheel chair, wow, it literally made me feel good all over, like I had a rush of endorphins or something. I briefly (like for 10 seconds) considered actually spending the $100 they were asking for the set. I could remember exactly how the wheels moved and how satisfyingly snug the little people fit into their various round holes.

When Jeff got home, I showed him some of the stuff that I had found, which started him on his own search for guns and bionic stuff. Eventually he ended up on PlaidStallions blog which includes pictures from 1970's catalogs. The photos are funny enough on their own, but the comments megomuseum adds are hilarious. The reason I'm mentioning it here is that some (OK, a lot) of the pictures reminded me of clothes that we wore ourselves. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I actually had pictures of us in those clothes. So, here they are.

This is the first of the catalog pictures titled Amish Lingerie.

Followed by a picture of me and my sister in dresses that our mom made.

Here is the next of the catalog pictures. Notice that this Foxy! shirt comes in "Chubby" size for one and a half bucks more.

And here's me in a shirt that my aunt made for me. My favorite part about this photo (besides the fact that I'm wearing a shirt that says 'Future Fox', of course) is the fact that this was a professional picture. My mom actually paid money to have someone take a picture of me in this shirt in 1977. How wonderful is that?

I've also got various pictures of my parents in matching sweaters, which PlaidStallion covers well on his site in a section titled Couples Shouldn't Dress Alike. You should check it out. The pictures I've included here don't do it justice... I'll include links to my favorites.

They're Called Spaceboots, Dur!
The Terrycloth Jumpsuit: Designed by Satan
The Adventures of L'il Larry Flint

Hope this inspires you to look through all your old photos, or burn them.

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