
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weird Kid Wednesday- Math and Music Education

I was in the kitchen one day when I noticed Joey singing.

"Meeeeee aaaaand, Mrs, Mrs. Jooooooones. We got a thiiiiiiiiiing goin' oooooon."

Turns out that her serenade was inspired by that day's math.

Joey's Math

Which eventually led to a huge chunk of the day lost to YouTube.

I do so love the internet.


  1. Thanks for posting the video! or else a large portion of my day would have also gone to watching You-tube!! Love that song, a beautiful smooth serenade...

    here are my links: two because one blog just wasn't enough!

  2. Kids are awesome. I love how weird they are.

    BTW, I love your new banner!


So glad you decided to leave a message! Feel free to talk about yourself and don't worry if you tend to leave marathon comments. I don't mind. In fact, those are my favorite kind.

Finally, feel free to type your website address within your comment because one of these days I will be moving my blog and would like to retain links to all of you wonderful people (the blogger formatting of commenter links doesn't get transferred properly).
