
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One of Life's Little Lessons

Jenny: Remember, the chapstick is in timeout because last time you had it, you ate it.

Kam: Me, yittle bite.

Jenny: Yes, you did take a little bite.


  1. I had a friend who LIKED to lick vaseline off of a spoon when she was a kid. OOp. There I go. I'm making myself sick....

    I'm digging your blog! Gonna go peruse some more...your ETSY shop....thanks for visiting mine!

  2. *sigh* my son keeps stealing mine and trying to do that.. I keep reminding him 'it goes ON the lips not IN the lips'

  3. that's why I started making my own from beewax and olive oil. If they're going to eat it, it might as well be food safe (not that I encourage that, but you know...toddlers)


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