
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Getting More from Netflix

We've had a Netflix account for years. Recently, I created a couple of different user profiles on the Your Account page. I use one of these for educational type programs (they've got all kinds of Nova shows along with documentaries and stuff on science and math and music) and the other is for exercise videos (yoga, tai chi and dance).

Obviously, I could just add these types of shows to our main queue, but I like to ensure that there's always one exercise video and one educational video around most of the time.

Jeff, my love, I would ask here that you don't chime in with how long I actually keep these movies at our house. Thanks.

If you don't already have Netflix, I'm not suggesting you sign up just for this because the library is also a fantastic (and free) source of this type of material, but if you already have an account, it's pretty handy. There's lots of good stuff there if you look around a bit.


Sun Salutation Update- I've done 4 of these for yesterday's comments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm REALLY bad at keeping Netflix movies around. I might not feel like watching them when other members of family watch them, but I don't want to return them because I still want to watch them, but nobody wants to watch them with me anymore, so they sit on the counter. A vicious cycle.


So glad you decided to leave a message! Feel free to talk about yourself and don't worry if you tend to leave marathon comments. I don't mind. In fact, those are my favorite kind.

Finally, feel free to type your website address within your comment because one of these days I will be moving my blog and would like to retain links to all of you wonderful people (the blogger formatting of commenter links doesn't get transferred properly).
