
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Road Less Traveled

Today is Joey's last day of public school (maybe for awhile, maybe forever, I don't really know). I've toyed with the idea of homeschooling her before, ever since she's been in school really. And I've owned the book Dumbing Us Down longer than that. In it, John Taylor Gatto (a teacher who has won several awards, including New York State Teacher of the Year) describes the 7 things that he, as a public school teacher, teaches his students. What follows are the highlights. Go here for his official website.

1. "The first lesson I teach is confusion. Everything I teach is out of context. I teach the un-relating of everything. I teach disconnections. The logic of the school-mind is that it is better to leave school with a tool kit of superficial jargon… than with one genuine enthusiasm. Meaning, not disconnected facts, is what sane human beings seek."
2. "The second lesson I teach is class position. I teach that students must stay in the class where they belong. The children are numbered so that if any get away they can be returned to the right class."
3. "The third lesson I teach is indifference. I teach children not to care too much about anything… I do it by demanding that they become totally involved in my lessons… but when the bell rings I insist they drop whatever it is we have been doing and proceed quickly to the next work station."
4. "The fourth lesson I teach is emotional dependency. By stars and red checks, smiles and frowns, prizes, honors, and disgraces, I teach kids to surrender their will to the predestined chain of command. Rights may be granted or withheld by any authority without appeal, because rights do not exist inside a school…. unless school authorities say they do."
5. "The fifth lesson I teach is intellectual dependency. Good students wait for a teacher to tell them what to do. This is the most important lesson of them all: we must wait for other people, better trained than ourselves, to make the meanings of our lives. Successful children do the thinking I assign them with a minimum of resistance and a decent show of enthusiasm. Of the millions of things of value to study, I decide what few we have time for."
6. "The sixth lesson I teach is provisional self-esteem. If you've ever tried to wrestle into line kids whose parents have convinced them to believe they'll be loved in spite of anything, you know how impossible it is to make self-confident spirits conform. I teach that a kid's self-respect should depend on expert opinion. My kids are constantly evaluated and judged."
7. "The seventh lesson I teach is that one can't hide. I teach students that they are always watched, that each is under constant surveillance by me and my colleagues."

(In the book, he discusses each of these points in much greater depth. It is so worth the read, even if you have no intention of homeschooling. It may just influence how you interact with your kids' teachers. Not that they're poor teachers, but that the whole system is fundamentally flawed.)

For the last couple of months, I've been paying attention to my life, to the things I do on a regular basis, and realized that just having Joey tag along to help me with these things would be a fantastic education for her. When I make a quilt and screw up the addition (like I did), then she can see that math really is applicable to every day life. When I can peach jelly, we can learn about why it's OK to can fruit and tomatoes, but not something like stew (hint- it's all about pH). And when I forget to register my business with the Secretary of State on time (yep, did that too) then she can see what it feels like to pay $30 instead of $10. When I showed her some of the spreadsheets that I use (for taxes, etc) she asked if she could be my secretary. Maybe I'll even start by having her proofread my posts. Heh.

Wendy and Joey

I'm kind of kidding and kind of not. Kids are so separated from the everyday life of their parents. They have no idea what their folks do all day, how they take care of themselves, of their kids, of their home. When they turn 18 and are out on their own, they get that whole real life education thing. And it tends to kick their asses. I know it did mine.

And when her report card came home last Friday, I KNEW that I'd made the right decision. She received almost all B's, which is fine with me; it's a gifted and talented program and that stuff is challenging. What is funny is that she got a C on 'Reads Independently'.

Now this is a kid that needs to be told that she absolutely cannot pick up a book until she has completely gotten ready for school in the morning because otherwise she will lose track of time and read for 2 hours. She absolutely loves to read. I couldn't stop her if I tried. And she got a C because she forgot to write down what she's read (probably because there's so much of it!). Now, I don't mind about the grade; it doesn't hurt me or her. It just shows how little her teacher knows her. In school, it's more important that Joey writes down what she's read than the fact that she probably reads 2 or 3 hours a day.

The most interesting thing about this is the reaction I've received from parents. Some understand why I would want to do this, they just don't think that they could do it themselves. Also, I've noticed that some people take it much better when I don't explain why. When they hear my many reasons, some people get defensive. I think it's because they feel bad that they are unwilling to do it themselves, which is something I can totally identify with. It's taken me 3 and a half years of public school to get up the nerve to try homeschooling.

So, I would just like to say that I've been encouraged to try this by many of the blogs that I've stumbled upon (SouleMama, Full Circle, News from Hawkhill Acres, You're Not Lost You're Here, Circle the World in Big). Just knowing that people out there do this, and maintain their sanity, is a comfort. These are women I respect, many of whom have voices and values similar to mine. It just seems natural to take this next step in Joey's education.

I am so excited.

And completely terrified.


  1. Good luck! I know there are a lot of resources out there for parents who homeschool, and I'm sure your school district will be able to help you through the process. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes for you! :)

  2. Good luck! I've definitely toyed with homeschooling my boys. I would do it in a heartbeat with my youngest. My oldest has recovered from an autism diagnosis and I've worked really hard to get him social and in the system without any sort of support (a shadow aide, etc). I would like to homeschool him but go back and forth on whether it would be a step backward for him. I really wish there were some sort of middle ground - maybe there is and I'm just not aware of it. I'm interested in following your posts on homeschooling. Very exciting. :)

  3. Yeah!!! I'm so happy for you, really my insides are tingling! I've never regretted our decision to homeschool. Even on the days when everyone seems a bit grumpy and non-motivated, I'm still happy to have them home instead of sending them to PS. Great post - shows the thinking process that brought you to your decision. Looking forward to reading about your progress!

  4. I am inspired by this, and I don't have children yet. I'm saving your post to my desktop as a PDF so I can re-read later. Such good stuff. Thank you.

  5. I'm wishing you all the best of luck as you begin this new part of your journey of learning together. What joy, excitement and fun you will have. Congratulations!!!

  6. I think you've made a wonderful decision and I look forward to reading your journey. I think you'll find that homeschooling will be rewarding for your daughter and yourself. I am excited for the days I can learn with my children. It takes courage to start this journey, but the payoff will be one that neither of you will regret.

  7. Good Luck, You will do great!! Homeschooling for me was out of desperation, I would not change it for the world.

  8. The closer my sons get to going to public school the more my instincts are raging to homeschool them.
    My biggest problem is I work full-time away from home.
    I am so afraid of the system chewing them up and spitting them out.......
    Good luck with your adventure!

  9. Late to the comment party but couldn't resist: "Now this is a kid that needs to be told that she absolutely cannot pick up a book until she has completely gotten ready for school in the morning because otherwise she will lose track of time and read for 2 hours. . . . And she got a C because she forgot to write down what she's read (probably because there's so much of it!). . . . In school, it's more important that Joey writes down what she's read than the fact that she probably reads 2 or 3 hours a day."
    That was ME and that was my school [gosh, I was sure that teacher was long dead by now...hmmm]. My teacher required a book report for every book read. It was IMPOSSIBLE. So I invented--in 1st grade--the form book report, just to satisfy her. I still remember it; "I read {name of book}. It was about {first character} and {second character}. They {one or two words aboout 1 thing they did}. I liked it." And even though I would hand in a stack of virtually identical "book reports" the teacher never noticed or cared. Result: by the end of 1st grade I was already playing hookey from school because it was SOOOOOO Incrediably boring and frustrating [not quite as terrible as it sounds because I went to the library and just sat and read but . . . ] For me, it took until college for me to enjoy a classroom again, after 10 years of torture. Point being, being in the wrong school, learning to hate learning is way more "life threatening" than home schooling.
    We homeschooled our oldest kid for K and 1st and the next oldest for K. Then we found a school we liked [turned out to be wrong for the kids but thats a different tale] and put them in school. Still, we both really liked being able to spend the time with the child. Have a great time homeschooling.

  10. It sounds like you already know how to look at it - recognizing that just living her life enthusiastically (and therefore always learning and discovering) will lead her to wisdom and being empowered.
    I can't say enough good things about it.
    Well, not on your blog, anyway! :)


So glad you decided to leave a message! Feel free to talk about yourself and don't worry if you tend to leave marathon comments. I don't mind. In fact, those are my favorite kind.

Finally, feel free to type your website address within your comment because one of these days I will be moving my blog and would like to retain links to all of you wonderful people (the blogger formatting of commenter links doesn't get transferred properly).
