
Monday, August 24, 2009

Chula & Nate

Thought you all might enjoy some pictures (ok, a ton of them- but it was next to impossible for me to narrow them down) from the wedding of our friend Chula, who you can't seem to take a bad picture of.

Seriously, how gorgeous is she?


Jenny and Brad have been friends with her family for quite some time, long before they moved into the same neighborhood and she began babysitting Kam. He adores her and gets so excited whenever he gets to see "Chu-wa". It's no wonder, as she is one of the absolute sweetest people ever.


Her side of the family is Cambodian, so there were lots of traditions to follow. Although, as one relative explained to me, this was actually a shortened version. Back in Cambodia, it lasts 3 full days, instead of the one and a half days of near constant activity that this one entailed.

My favorite part was the blessing ceremony that took place the night before the wedding.





(Joey and Kam preferred the view from above since it was easier to see everything that was going on.)

The day of the wedding, we walked from their house to the reception hall, carrying plates of food and presents.



I had no idea how heavy a plate of mangoes and lychee fruits could get.


They had two wedding ceremonies that day and then fed us some of the tastiest food ever. We loved it and our kids loved it, but the three other Americans at our table passed on most everything that was served, even the jell-o that, I swear, tasted like chocolate.

How sad for them.

By the end of the night, the kids were on stage dancing in front of the strobe lights, the girls twirling and shaking their booties, the boys doing the robot.

(Joey never again gets to tell me that she's shy if she can get on stage and do this.)

All in all, we had a blast.

More pictures can be found in Jenny's Flickr photostream.
Cambodian Buddhist Blessing Ceremony
Wedding Day

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Produce Stamps

Woah. I stepped away from my computer for a couple of days and, I guess, just forgot to come back. How’ve you all been?

I can’t even say that I’ve been busy with interesting craftiness, mostly just end of summer chaos.

In fact, the only thing remotely creative that I’ve managed is a set of produce stamps. For this project, the hardest part was drawing the originals; carving them was a cinch. Seriously, stamps are such a satisfying project.


Because I was going off of Stefanie's great idea and stamping on my homemade produce bags, I had to do a bit of research about how to keep the designs colorfast. I found that the ColorBox brand is permanent if you iron it (I used the medium setting for 10 seconds).


Another good thing about this brand is that it doesn’t bleed like some of the cheaper ink pads do.


And the best thing about ColorBox… they’re just so purty.


I bought mine on sale at Michael’s for 40% off and considering all the colors that it comes with, I’m super happy with the purchase. Now I’m thinking that I need to head back and pick up the earth tone set.


Related Posts
Personalized Bookplate Stamps (this has links to stamping supplies)
Cheap & Easy Produce Bags
Customized Portrait Stamp